Looking Back (not longing to GO back) to Move Forward
In the first few verses of 1 Corinthians 10, God gave us a list of things that Israel was and experienced TOGETHER as the chosen people of God, and yet “God was not pleased, with most of them”, and they were “overthrown in the wilderness”.
There was a VERY important reason why the Apostle Paul gave us a reminder of the past.
People look back for various reasons: some long for the “good old days”. A time when things supposedly were good. These people live in the past and let life die in the present because the best has passed and today is a burden for them, enduring it at best. Question: Why not redeem the time today? The Bible tells us to make the best of TODAY, while it’s still called today.
Others look back at days past searching for an answer as to WHY things were so bad and the specifics that would answer why they are they way they are today. My question is, would you change if you knew? If you’re a Christian then know that everything happens for the purpose of bringing God glory and refining you (Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28; James 1:2-4). And, we know that God says, we are new creations in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17) and “all things have become new”.
These are two reasons why people look back on the years, but there’s still another reason to look back…and that is to learn. Someone once said, “If we don’t learn from history then we are doomed to repeat it.” Well, God said it first: “Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did.” (1 Corinthians 10:6)
The Bible doesn’t give us examples of imperfect men for any other reason but to not do what they did; not to show us fallen man to compromise with, but the risen Man to follow and trust in.
This Sunday at The Refuge we’ll be taking a look at 1 Corinthians 10…Let the past be their hindsight and our foresight to living to God’s glory.