We exist to create a community known for their faith and sense of family, where everyone can experience an ongoing personal encounter with Jesus.
At Refuge Bible Fellowship, our desire is to see God grow people into passionate disciples of Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-16)

TO REVITALIZE people with new life and vitality through a regenerating relationship with Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
TO FORTIFY disciples of Jesus Christ by strengthening and reinforcing their faith through their knowledge of the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15).
TO RELEASE passionate disciples of Jesus Christ, with great support, to fulfill God’s calling on their lives (Ephesians 4:11-12).
We believe that truth first exists with God and that He has communicated His truth to us through the Bible. We also value truth, or authenticity, in our relationship with each other.
We recognize God’s grace in our lives. He has forgiven us and so we freely share that forgiveness with others. That translates into being people who are learning patience, flexibility, compassion and unconditional love with others. Grace doesn’t ignore sin, it deals with it and forgives it.
God has created us for relationship — for relationship with Him and relationship with each other. Our desire is to help people get connected with God and with each other. We believe community is doing life together — connecting.
God has called each one of us to use the talents and gifts He has given us to bless Him and others. That means we are participants, not merely consumers. Every person is a player on the team, not just a spectator.
God is pleased when we have faith in Him, when we learn to trust Him. Faith expresses our dependence upon Him. Prayer is one way we demonstrate our faith; action is another.