Legacy | Men’s Ministry

Exhorting one another through discipleship and keeping each other accountable through the Word of God

“As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” – Proverbs 27:17
Everyone leaves a legacy.
Every day, we make choices that shape that legacy.
Our actions and the people we influence define that legacy.
Our desire is that the legacy we leave
{ as husbands, fathers & brothers }
points solely to Jesus Christ.
Consider names like Chuck Smith, Billy Graham and Charles Spurgeon.
Many thoughts may come to mind for each of them but what they have in common is a legacy of diligence in obeying the commandments of God and directing countless people toward Jesus Christ.
Join us as we gather in small groups to sharpen each other in the Word of God,
striving to build lives that represent Jesus Christ to our families, friends and coworkers –
to leave a LEGACY that is worthy of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.